Tuesday 27 September 2016

10 Reasons Why You Should Fall In Love with a Nurse

  1. heartNurses are compassionate. It’s in our nature. If a nurse loves you, she will basically kill herself trying to take care of your needs before her own. In fact, I have figured out a no-fail way to get a nurse to do what you want. All you do is start your sentence off with I really need your help. It has worked for me (on my mother, who is a nurse) every time!  They are just compelled to try to help you in any way you need.
  2. Nurses love to take care of people. Yes, they’re compassionate, but nurses also just LOVE taking care of people. Nursing is physically demanding and can be stressful. No nurse stays in it for the money.  Most nurses stay in nursing because we genuinely love taking care of other people. We just do! It’s part of who we are!
  3. Nurses are like the medical
    Macgyver. Nurses can tell you how to treat almost any ailment or fix any problem. We can find an alternate use for almost any type of medical device or equipment. I once patched up a slip and slide with some Telfa and Tegaderm…
  4. Nurses can save your life. We are all required to be current in CPR, and most of us are required to have ACLS. If you’re choking, we can perform the Heimlich maneuver. If you come down with Swine Flu, there’s a good chance we’ll recognize the symptoms and get you early treatment.
  5. Nurses make good money.  At least, we have the potential to make good money. Our bosses may complain about overtime, but they need shifts covered, so they usually let us work! Get involved in a few hospital committees and work on some unit projects and you’re-in-the-moneeeeey! No matter where in the world you go, everyone needs a nurse. We’re like hot commodities 😃
  6. Nurses are manipulative (but in a good way). So nurses are like master craftsmen at getting what they want and making other people think it was their idea. This may not sound particularly appealing to you, but just think about it…they’re not usually going to scream at you or fight with you to get what they want. They’ll sneakily make you think it was your great idea. It’s a win-win for everyone. Trust me.
  7. Nurses are flexible. Not that kind of flexible! :/ But they are pretty flexible with their schedules. They’re also use to constantly having to change things and adapt to stuff thrown at them, so it’s pretty hard to faze them.
  8. Nurses know how to cook…or at least, how to throw a party.  We have so many bring-a-dish-to-work parties, nurses know how to throw something together. We are the queen of dips and casseroles (at least, here in the South).
  9. Nurses are multitaskers.  Nurses can literally do 100 things at once, and they do them all pretty well. We are like the best jugglers e-v-e-r.
  10. Nurses know how to deal with crazy – If you decide to wake up one day and completely act like a fool, it will probably not make the nurse next to you blink. We totally know how to deal with crazy, and we also know how to manage it 😉
So go on and do it…fall in love with a nurse! Your life will never be the same 😃
10 Signs You’re Married to a Nurse (because after you fall in love, you get married, and then things get REAL—real quick!)

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