Tuesday 27 September 2016

How to Get Younger Women Interested In You

Are you interested in young women? If so, you might be realizing that attracting younger women isn't quite the same as attracting middle aged or older women. Young women  lose interest FAST, and if you want to keep their interest, you have to really have a tight game down.

This is a skill that almost every man never learns in his lifetime, which is why only a few men can attract young women, especially after they pass the age of 30.

Thankfully, this is a skill that you can learn, and this post will show you the simplest way to get started...

First, Understand Her Needs

No matter what culture or age group they belong to, all people (men and women alike) are driven by the same emotional needs: safety, variety, significance. However, when women are younger, they tend to value different needs than they do as they get older.

Young women have had less "life" under their belts and are therefore a bit more adventurous. This means that their needs for variety and significance are more important than safety and security, significance being the top need (as for most people).

The difference with younger women is that their sense of significance is drawn mostly from their sense of independence, which causes them to resist men who are needy or clingy.

If you want to keep a young woman interested in you, you don't have to be interesting or rich or even attractive (although those things certainly do help). Instead, keeping her interest has more to do with her needs than it does with your personality.

So how can you appeal to her needs for significance and variety and keep her interest?

First, Keep her Guessing

If there's one thing that's true when it comes to attraction with young women it's this: predictable equals boring, which equals unattractive. This doesn't mean that you act like a maniac who has no control over his impulsiveness. What it does mean that you keep from being predictable in your communication, in your behaviors and in your level of "interest" in her.

Young women have been playing this game to keep men interested for ages, but it can work just as well for us. You know how a young woman will keep you guessing about her interest in you? Do the same in your interactions with her, and she'll stay interested just for the challenge of it.

This will fulfill her need for variety.

Second, Ditch the Neediness

Neediness communicates to a young woman that you might be ready to club her over the head and drag her into your cave. Young women see this as a threat to their independence and their sense of personal significance.

Not to mention that it lowers your social value and puts her in a position of power (nothing is less attractive than a man who is being overpowered by a woman). The best way to get rid of neediness is to do two things:

1) Have Your Own Life

Do some things that you do that have nothing to do with her and commit yourself to them - hobbies, your work, or some other kind of ambition. This will keep her from feeling smothered and will show her that you are a man of value and a prize to be won.

2) Have an Abundance Mindset

Thinking that you have to have "her" or that any single woman is "the one" is death to your self-confidence. If she ends up losing interest (or if you even suspect that she is), she'll smell the neediness on you like a shark smells blood.

Women are repulsed by neediness because it communicates weakness and suggest that you don't have the strength to fulfill their need for safety.

So no matter how bad you want this woman, remember that wanting and needing are completely different.
If things don't work out with her, another woman will come along. The more you begin to believe that, the easier it will be for you to keep any woman's interest.

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